Eagle Farm Markets Closure

Tuesday, 9 October 2018

In the Brisbane Racing Club’s Annual Report, released last month, we outlined the challenges that had confronted the Eagle Farm Markets in recent times. The challenges were numerous including the fact that several other markets had opened within our catchment in recent years and we had to temporarily move the markets to Doomben while Ascot House was being constructed. In the last financial year, 88,000 customers visited our Markets – a decrease of 23.5 per cent on 2016-17. This followed on from a decline in the previous year.

As a result, the BRC together with our partner the Brisbane Markets Limited, has decided to end the Eagle Farm Markets. The final Markets will be held on Sunday October 28. This decision was not easy however we are mindful that our responsibility as a Club is to ensure our growing non-racing ventures are operated in a sustainable manner.

We thank the many loyal customers and clients of the Eagle Farm Markets. At their peak, the Markets attracted about 200,000 people each year. They were a vibrant gathering bringing together some excellent producers and loyal customers. We are grateful for their contributions.

In some ways, the Eagle Farm Markets were an early venture for the BRC into the non-racing revenue space. We are proud of what the Markets achieved for our Club. While racing remains at the core of the BRC, our non-racing revenue continues to grow through the likes of the Ascot Green joint venture with Mirvac, the aged care and retirement development with Lendlease and the Racecourse Village retail precinct.

Thank you for your continued support of the BRC. I look forward to seeing you at the races over the spring carnival and into summer.

Yours sincerely

Neville Bell