Our People - Kevin Ryan

A wonderful 46 years service to racing!

From leading Might And Power into the barriers before his famous Doomben Cup win, to landing on top of Chief De Beers before one of the Chief's rare Doomben losses, Kevin Ryan has seen it all.

He started with the BATC back in 1976, working as part of the grounds staff at Albion Park, before moving to Doomben when 'The Creek' was closed as a thoroughbreds venue.

In his time at Doomben he has been a valuable part of the tracks team and sports quite a few scars of battle during his time working on the barriers.

These days he is content gliding around the course on a rider mower and as retirement creeps closer, he reflects on a lifetime of memories doing a job he has loved for five decades.

CLICK HERE to watch the full interview with Kevin Ryan.