Racing into a Sustainable Future for Brisbane!

Monday, 23 December 2019
Image: Racecourse Village Shopping Centre solar panels that have generated enough electricity to save approximately 192 Tonnes of CO2.

Queensland’s premier metropolitan racing club has announced a series of new initiatives with a look towards a truly sustainable future.

An industry renowned for timeless tradition presents a challenging landscape for innovation in environmental and sustainable practices, but this hasn’t stopped the Brisbane Racing Club from pressing forward.

The Club occupies over 85 hectares of land across two racecourses, two sports clubs, a shopping centre and a residential apartment complex.

Recognising what a significant impact these businesses have on the city’s environment, the Club has enacted a new Sustainability Policy, which encompasses a range of goals and practices.

The Policy is set to be championed by the new Sustainability Team at the BRC, made up of current employees with a passion for the project, who have already actioned a number of business changes and practices, with a plethora of items in the pipeline, too.

Key current sustainability highlights include;

  • The new Racecourse Village Shopping Centre features solar panels that have generated enough electricity to save approximately 192 Tonnes of CO2
  • Using plates and cutlery made from palm leaf, corn starch, paper, bamboo, and compostable and recycled/recyclable materials
  • Water harvesting for irrigation
  • Collecting drink bottle lids for Envision Hands, who make prosthetic limbs out of the plastic
  • Glass crushers on trial at Eagle Farm Racecourse

These highlights are only a brief insight into what is to come from the BRC’s new focus on sustainability.

Working closely with government organizations on audits and advice, the Club intends on using all resources available to work towards a sustainable future.

At the top of the list is a waste audit, which the BRC is currently working on. The audit is expected to round out by February and should provide a huge springboard for future changes.

The Brisbane Racing Club will be sharing sustainability news, updates and progress on a quarterly basis.